Premium Content: Whitepaper


In the world of online marketing, one of the most powerful symbols of expertise and authority is the whitepaper. Blog posts are great, ebooks can make a big difference, but the whitepaper gives the perception that there is valuable, in-depth and expert information inside.

It’s easy to think of whitepapers as something that should be reserved for highly technical companies that sell highly technical products and services, but that’s not the whole story. While whitepapers are excellent to provide technical info, they can also be used as an integral part of your online marketing strategy and offer a range of benefits to you.

You As the Authority

You likely already know about the value of positioning your company as an authority in your industry. When you become the “go-to”, customers and sales are usually soon to follow. Well-written whitepapers can go a long way toward creating that perception amongst your target audience.

Creating an Element of Trust

Far from being the stuffy, academic kind of content that many people believe them to be, whitepapers should have some personality and can work to build trust with your prospects and customers. Things like using humor where appropriate and being transparent about your company or industry can merge with the high-quality information and help to create a bond that builds trust and will ultimately benefit you.

Building Your Brand

When you become an authority in your industry and gain the trust of your prospects and customers, it will only serve to build your brand. If you include a brief company description at the end of the whitepaper then give it away freely, your overall brand will continue to grow.

Generating Leads

Since you can include highly educational material and direct response style content in a whitepaper, they can be effective for generating leads. Combining technical information about your products or services, education about the industry and persuasive language geared toward conversions can be a formidable marketing tool.

Building a List

The marketers with all the money have been saying, “the money is in the list” for years, and they say that for a reason. Only you don’t need to be an online marketer to grow an email list, and they can benefit any business. One tactic used by just about every company that seeks to build a list is the giveaway in exchange for an email address. And what better product to give away than a whitepaper?

Social Media Engagement

If you have a Facebook page or group, love Instagram or spend time with your LinkedIn community, a whitepaper is a great tool to drive social media engagement. If you want more likes, shares or sign-ups, consider creating a whitepaper and giving it away in exchange for the action you desire.

Why Choose Us?

When you choose The Content Company to write your whitepapers, you can be sure that all of the benefits mentioned above will be taken into consideration and you’ll have a professional, polished whitepaper that is designed to get results. We have a team of experienced whitepaper writers that will always meet your expectations:

  • High-quality, professional whitepapers
  • Consistency
  • Attention to detail
  • Professional structure and tone
  • Smooth, uncomplicated process
  • Respect for your deadlines
  • Competitive pricing

If you need a whitepaper that is professional, well written and sets your brand apart from the competition, get in touch with us today and we’ll get the process started!

Whitepaper FAQ

Here are some common questions about whitepapers that will give you a better idea of what they are and why you need them.

Q: What is a whitepaper?

A: A whitepaper is a professional, in-depth report that is both authoritative and persuasive and designed to educate and solve specific problems. Whitepapers are typically industry-specific and sometimes technical, but they don’t need to be.

Q: What is the purpose of a whitepaper?

A: The whitepaper is typically used to solve problems in a specific industry or of a specific group of people, to educate people about a new product or technology, to influence buying decisions, or establish a company as an authority in its industry.

Q: What if my business isn’t a technical one?

A: It doesn’t matter if your company’s products and services are overly technical or not. You can use whitepapers as a marketing tool, or to share information about any aspect of your business.

Q: How long should a whitepaper be?

A: The length of a whitepaper can vary, but they aren’t usually overly long or drawn out. Two to six pages are around average for a good whitepaper.

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